Maimane: We’ll review contract with KPMG, we don’t deal with criminals

Maimane  Democratic Alliance (DA) leader Mmusi Maimane has reiterated that his party will review work done by embattled auditing firm KPMG in metros where the party governs.

The company has been hit by a scandal for work it’s done for Gupta linked companies.

Maimane says his party will also review its relationship with the firm.

“We went to KPMG and we said we’re coming after you. We’re saying to them where we’re in government, we’ll review every contract we have with KPMG because we don’t deal with criminals.”

KPMG is now being investigated by the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors and Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba has called on government and its entities to review work done by the firm to ensure audits haven’t been compromised.

At the same time, KPMG says there’s no systemic risk within its organisation and it’s open to an independent inquiry into its work.

The auditing firm has, however, conceded that its work for Sars and Guptas’ Linkway Trading did not meet its standards.

The company’s top executives appeared before Parliament’s Standing Committee on Public Accounts on Thursday to defend the work it does for government.

KPMG chief executive Nhlamu Dlomu said the company’s work for the last three years will be reviewed.

She said the firm can’t back up conclusions reached in the now infamous Sars report on a so-called rogue unit because it doesn’t have the necessary legal expertise.

“We acknowledge the significance of getting those recommendations and conclusions incorrect.”

But Dlomu insisted the majority of KPMG’s work is beyond reproach.

Members of Parliament, however, were suspicious of a full refund of R23 million to Sars for the withdrawal of three parts of the report.

They have suggested that the firm not bid for any more government work until it’s cleaned house.